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Open for gigs: all 2015


Kid Creole and the Coconuts were born out of the burning embers of the brilliant and legendary Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band. August Darnell (Kid Creole) claims to have had a vision of the band in a nightmare while walking down Fifth Avenue in New York City. Born in the Bronx, Darnell is a man of multiple cultures, legends and personalities. For over 27 years Kid Creole and the Coconuts have been entertaining sellout crowds around the world. Inspired by Cab Calloway and the Hollywood films of the 30's and 40's, the Kid fills out his colorful zoot suits with style and grace, dancing onstage with his inimitable, relentless and self-proclaimed cool.


Kid Creole and the Coconuts were born out of the burning embers of the brilliant and legendary Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band. August Darnell (Kid Creole) claims to have had a vision of the band in a nightmare while walking down Fifth Avenue in New York City. Born in the Bronx, Darnell is a man of multiple cultures, legends and personalities.


For over 27 years Kid Creole and the Coconuts have been entertaining sellout crowds around the world. Inspired by Cab Calloway and the Hollywood films of the 30's and 40's, the Kid fills out his colorful zoot suits with style and grace, dancing onstage with his inimitable, relentless and self-proclaimed cool.

The Kid is suave, smooth, self-centered and secure. A legend in his own mind. His talent for self-adoration, though, is equally matched by his brilliance as a songwriter, social commentator, and lyricist. Occasionally shallow, occasionally deep, occasionally about his... manhood, his lyrics are often misunderstood bycritics (but never by the public). Consider this British review of his 80's hit, "There's Something Wrong In Paradise" (a tale of peasants who overthrow their despot ruler only to become the same form of monsters themselves).


The reviewer writes, 'Kid Creole has finally sunken to shallow depths of insipidness and plain silliness with lines like, "There's a smell of bird shit in the air..."' The actual lyric is, "There's a smell of bloodshed in the air..." But as Darnell exclaimed in another song, "You can't run away from misery - she want your company!"

The Coconuts, three dazzling damsels of divine dimension, have little tolerance for the Kid and his egotistical, sexist antics. They do not smile and the regularly ridicule the Kid onstage - shaking their hips up-and-down, side-to-side, to taunt him. When they can take it no more they walk right off the stage to console themselves the only way they know how: by a costume change into an even sexier, skimpier outfit.

Kid Creole and the Coconuts defy description and transcend musical and fashion trends. On stage and on recordings they are unmatched in their energy, originality and musical hipness. They are timeless and unique. That you are here now shows that you are ready for the real thing.  Explore this site and just might find out...

Better yet, see a live show and see for yourself!


The Kid Creole

& the Coconuts

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